Beauty / Health

The Best Skincare for Aging Skin !

As mature women, we are bombarded by all the skin care choices out there ! You’re not alone in wondering which one to turn to without having to try them all. Agh ! Every year there are hundreds of new products on the market calling your name, and without a degree in Esthetics, it is tough to have to pick and choose. After all, you want what’s best for your skin and you don’t want to spend too much money trying to find the right fit for you. I do feel your pain ! My goal is to take some of that burden from you and become the ” guinea pig ” in essence. I am in the process of trying some skincare lines at the moment, and will be reporting back with what I’ve found. I will be narrowing it down for you so we can find exactly what your skin needs, depending on your particular skin type and concerns. Of course, I’ll be enlisting your help to tackle this quest. Much appreciated !

**Drop a line if you’d like in comments below as to what your skin struggles with and we’ll work on solutions !!**

Skin care is perhaps more important than most people realize, and the harsh truth is that a lot of us neglect to do what’s best for our skin. Skin is our largest organ so it sounds a little crazy. We all owe it to ourselves to take proper care of it. It’s not always about the esthetics either — healthy skin protects your entire body.

As our skin ages, we want to tackle some of the most common skincare concerns, such as the dreaded sagging skin and turkey neck, uneven skin tone, as well as wrinkles, under eye bags and puffiness. The neck and chest area, are one of my personal tough problems to address. I liken it to the Movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, as two of the characters pull the skin of each others neck back in a picture they’re posing for ! Hysterical but true ! 

It’s amazing we go from this to this in a blink of an eye !

I never used this much eyeshadow ( Mimi on Drew Carey comes to mind ) but didn’t we experiment back then ? I know I did. Blue was in and we used it. We had not a care in the world about lines and imperfections other than the our mindsets of not being attractive enough or slim enough. Funny, how we look at old pictures and wondered how we thought we were fat and how we could be so critical of what we had going for us !

Every line and wrinkle we inherited from smiling and enjoying life for the most part. The lines between our brows I insist were formed through the yelling at children and the stress they caused ! We need to take care of our skin through all the phases of our lives. I wasn’t thinking I’d age back in the days of youth. I took for granted so much.

The years of laying in the sun with SPF of 4 and baby oil, definitely contributed to the deteriorations. Remember when ? I strive to always use SPF whenever I go outside and that’s pretty much an everyday occurrence. Even in the wintertime, the sun can still take its toll especially with moisture retention. The heater on full blast contributes.

Shop Colorescience Today!

I’m using a product called Colorescience and it is terrific for this. I’ve tried others and it can’t be beat. These products are Award Winning and so worth it. Love their Sunforgettable Line for total body coverage with up to SPF50-the higher number the better in my case and for best protection. It goes on so flawless, and doesn’t leave a cast or blotchiness like some others. It’s My favorite and I’ve tried a few. Click above for best prices and free samples with orders. We’ll be discussing others as well. Let me know what you’re trouble areas are and together we’ll come up with a plan.