Beauty / Health,  Food and Beverage,  Things that make you go Hmmm

Falling asleep is as easy as a few sips of this ?

Shortly after my divorce, and alone with my 2 year old boy, I suddenly realized I couldn’t sleep any longer ! Something that should come with ease was now so elusive. I was only in my mid-thirties. This wasn’t supposed to happen until I was old ! At least that was what I heard.

The minute my head hits the pillow, my mind begins to race. So many thoughts and worries came flooding in. Yikes ! Shut up !!!! Somebody make it stop ! Most of my friends weren’t suffering like I was. All I heard them say is ” Go to bed earlier “. Don’t do anything active. Or ” Take Melatonin, that works for me “.

I have to get up in a couple hours !!!

I tried Melatonin, Benadryl, and Chamomile tea. I even tried a glass of wine which totally defeated the purpose as I had to pee. I got to the point that I was so cranky and so sleep deprived, I would nod off in the middle of the day. I had to find something else. I had a small child to take care of and a job I couldn’t lose !

My doctor prescribed a sleeping pill called Ambien. I heard there were side effects of sleepwalking, driving a car in your sleep, etc. I couldn’t have that ! Far too dangerous ! I cut the pill in half and used a portion instead. The good and bad of sleeping pills is they do help you fall asleep, but not the-refreshing, feeling like a million bucks-sleep. These were more or less coma inducing-knock you out but still sometimes groggy when you wake-sleep. Hey better than nothing.

I used these however until I heard of this milky hot drink. It was an Indian spice latte and pretty tasty ! Zero side effects besides. The ingredient in this was something used by nuns I heard about, in the 1600’s to knock out their patients. Tip-Don’t drink it if you are going to drive !! It usually takes effect in 20 minutes. It gently relaxes you until you feel sleepy, then you drift away ! Your body can do its best repair work then. In the morning, no blood shot eyes, or brain fog !! Best thing is you have energy to get you through your day without 5 cups of coffee !

Not only are you ready to take on your day, but good sleep can lower the risk of all sorts of ailments as well as helping your immunities. Everything just works better. Below is a homemade version of this Golden Blend:

For those that would rather save the time, and shopping for ingredients, there is a mix I recommend, it’s called Organifi and it is wonderful !!!

A few of the ingredients that work well are Tumeric and the compound Curcumin, along with Ginger. Curcumin helps your body with inflammation which in turn helps with aches and pains. These antioxidants also stop cellular damage. The Ginger contains Gingerol which aids in digestion, flu recovery, colds, as well as so many other things. So besides amazing sleep, your energy is boosted, the fog is lifted, and you feel you can accomplish just about anything ! This golden creamy tea is a must as I drift away and sleep like a baby ! Goodnight !

P.S. Let allow me share your struggles and things that have worked as well. We’re all in this together !