Beauty / Health

There’s an Exercise program to build bones ?

As we get older, there are conditions that come down the pike that we can’t always prevent completely. Osteoporosis is one of these. A couple years ago I had a bone density test to determine if I indeed had this issue as my grandmother did. It showed that I had some density loss. Along with calcium intake, there was mention of weight bearing exercise, like walking, which does help with this condition. I was already out there walking most days of the week, but not much else. This was when I looked into what I could do to add to my regime so I can avoid the plight my grandmother had. She had fallen a few times and broken a hip, and other bones. She would eventually pass away from complications of these falls. I wanted a different outcome !!!

Some people worry that being active means you’re more likely to fall and break bones. The opposite is true although ! Weight bearing exercise is one of the best to promote bone strength. A regular exercise program may actually prevent falls and fractures. This happens because exercise strengthens bones and muscles which improve balance, coordination and flexibility. These things are key for those with osteoporosis ! Weight training is helpful as well to increase strength and aids in your metabolism ! Bonus !

Of course, before you start, you should always check with your doctor. They can tell you what is safe for you, your fitness level, and weight. There is no single exercise plan you would have to follow, but I’ve found a couple on Youtube that are targeted to the over 50 crowd. I’ll include the links below for you to join in.

These are some I’ve cherry picked for us but there are so many more to choose from. Please share with the group any exercise programs you might like as well. We all can learn from each other. Stay well and forever fit my friends !