Food and Beverage

Meal replacements and mid-day slump relief

Why is it women go, go, go until we reach complete exhaustion ? As a wife, mother and grandmother, I find I end up doing more than my share. Some work outside the home, and then do a 2nd shift in the home, as well as taking care of everyone ! These are two full time jobs for crying out loud ! Have you ever said to yourself ” If I don’t do it, it won’t get done ” or ” No one can do it like I can ” and therefore end up doing it all ? It’s really our fault !

I’m one of those type A personalities that go a mile a minute in several directions. I have One speed. Cramming things in is what I do best. For example, if I know I have 10 minutes before I have to go somewhere, I will easily fill up that time. It causes me to be late and it’s my own fault ! You feel me ?! I’m just programmed that way. We’re all wired a certain way. I’m a fast walker also and my husband points this out. Needless to say, we have a hard time walking together. Really tees him off. Trying to change this but its a process. Who else can relate ? Tell your story. Love to hear it.

With that being said, I found myself eating a lot of junk food or quick grab, no-nutrition foods like Cocoa Puffs to keep going. This was non-sustainable in the long run. My blood sugar was spiking constantly and the lows were wrought with shakiness, and almost passing out ! Had to figure out a new plan. For on the go, I wanted to share something that is completely different than what you’ve had before. These protein bars and drink ( Vitamin and energy drink without caffeine for those that are intolerant ) take the prize, and I’ve tried so many!

I’ve bought many of these bars to get me through. I know you may have heard this over and over, but those looking for a protein bar that doesn’t taste like gritty cardboard (and pretty much they all do), look no further. The salted caramel is to die for ! It’s like eating a candy bar. The sugar is very low in these which is something I look out for. When I don’t have time to stop and get lunch, these are my saving grace. I’m one of those people that put too much “Day” into my day and run out of steam during it ! Guilty as charged.

I’ve tried them all too from Quest, Luna, Cliff, and Pure Protein to name a few. None of them seem to compare to this one. Had to share as most are looking for something that can hold them off from that starvation, ready to drop feeling. Built Bars and drink are the best for that purpose ! They do have a great deal going for new customers that is something you usually never see ! I’d grab it before they change their minds. It’s like that blouse you saw in a store, but because you procrastinated, someone else is wearing it. Hate when that happens. Once you try it you will won’t want anything else !

We’ve all heard of the world of low carb Keto diets and how proteins satiate better than carbs. This is a whole subject to itself and can’t do it justice here. I will be posting about Keto and Mediterranean diets and delicious guiltless recipes in another post to come ! See ya then.