Things that make you go Hmmm

Those “One Day” Moments

Things you can’t miss

As a mother and a grandmother, I see this oh so plainly ! Life travels fast and you must savor the moments as they come along. Do not put off doing what you can today despite the belief you’ll have many more chances to do those things later. It’s a mistruth we tell ourselves regardless of all good intentions. Moments pass, children grow up and move on. We hold their hands for a little while and have to learn to let go and let God ! We pray we instilled in them good morals and decision making but ultimately it’s up to them.

Those cherished moments of victory

Procrastination is a killer among dreams. See it for what it is and take care in not letting this happen to you. The Ole, I’ll get to it later becomes several years and still you are in the same predicament ! I’ve seen this happen to so many. The dreams of taking that perfect cruise you wanted to go on, or the second home in a tropical setting you told yourself you’d work towards, shouldn’t go up in smoke and be dismissed as unattainable ! They are worthy targets, but you’re not living up to your promise is all. And THAT CAN BE CHANGED WITH COMMITMENT ! You must…

Here’s a perfect example:

A friend of mine, every year, would say the same thing at Christmas time…Next year will be different !! I told him directly, “No it won’t, because nothing changes from year to year. You are living the same year over and over expecting something different ! ” I was met with disapproval and Not so Kind words, but it had to be said. Sometimes being blunt is all you have in your arsenal, and it finally hits the target.

The back story was that this friend never saved any money to pay for those presents he knew he wanted to give to his children. Hesitation, scratch tickets and instant gratification, made it easy to neglect the “Stashing of the savings plan” he committed to a year before.

Hopes and dreams of babes

At Christmas time, he put himself in enormous credit card debt, to try to get the much needed promise gifts to his children. He felt awful and kicked himself every year when he did the same thing yet again, but didn’t do anything to change this habit. He could never get the credit card balance down and was so depressed by year end. He just needed to commit !

It’s a small tweak from a wish to a decision

Be proactive my friends, not reactive. You’ll accomplish so much more and spend those breathtaking times with your loved ones mean the world. Life is meant to prosper and enjoy ! The expression, Life is not measured by how many breaths you take but in those moments that take your breath away !

For those parents and grands, you’ll understand this so well:

I came across something I just had to share with you all. Disclosure: These are not my own words, but sometimes you just can’t say it any better than this :

One day you are walking the floor with a crying baby

One day you are sitting by their bed reading Mr. Cow can Moo can you

One day you are dropping them off to their first day of school

One day you are sitting and watching them graduate from school

One day you see them moving out to try life on their own and you pray you taught them good things about being careful and being respectable and to enjoy life to the fullest

One day you are watching them marry the new love of their life

One day they tell you that they are going to have a baby

One day you are looking into the eyes of your beautiful grandchildren and seeing your little one and wonder how did life go by so fast

It happens in a blink of an eye

And you pray to God for the blessing of those “One day “ moments!

Me and my granddaughter goofing around are these “One day moments