Things that make you go Hmmm

Who are you living for ?

Today is Memorial Day and it’s fitting we give thanks to those that have given their lives to ensure our freedoms. Darren Hardy is another mentor of mine and the story he tells puts this into perspective so eloquently. He goes on to say that back in Austria, the Germans had invaded. The men and boys 12 years of age and older in the town were ordered in the town square. The commander told them that they were not a match to take down the German invasion. Their efforts were not going to withstand the army. They stood in a line regardless. He also told them that ” Every 20th man ” would be shot.

He continues to tell the story of a young boy named Andrew that had looked down the line and realized that he was in the 20th position. The shots were ringing out and the the Germans grew closer. The others started counting to see who would be next. Andrew wanted to run but he was too afraid to move. Just as it was going to be his turn to face his doom, he felt a hand on his shoulder that pushed him away. The old man that was standing next to him switched positions with him at the last moment.

The old man spoke to Andrew saying, ” Your life is not your own, you have to live for both of us now. ” The old man was taken away and shot. From that day forward, Andrew determined he would live his life so that the unknown man’s sacrifice would be repaid. We all could have been that 20th man, but the U.S. Armed forces took that spot. We must all live for all of them. We should use this precious life by taking a good look in the mirror. Are we living fully and living our best life for all those that couldn’t.

God Bless those families that are now living without a family member or friend that took our place in line.