Things that make you go Hmmm

Tips that could Save You Thousands !

With Retirement looming in the near future, I have looked for ways to trim costs and keep more money in my pocket. **Disclosure-some I have found on AARP** I wanted to share some of these great ideas with you that you may not have known about:

Lots of options

High-Tech Savings:

Confirm it’s really a Sales price:

If you aren’t sure whether a price on Amazon is good, you can use a Free Price Checker like CamelCamelCamel website or Pricepulse phone app to see the product cost over time.

Splurge on Smart home devices to save in your future:

Utility bills can be lowered dramatically by installing Solar panels. You don’t want to miss the boat on that one. Message me for more info at: …But also purchasing devices like the Nest thermostat that adjusts heat and cooling for better energy efficiency. It’s incredible, what you will save over time for these !

From Solar to smart devices

Decorating Shortcuts:

Bring a little outdoors inside:

Transform old patio seating into new furniture for your home. Clean, spray paint, and maybe add a cushion or throw pillow for extra touches, and you can have a brandy new accent chair !

Check out Model-home auctions:

After homes in a new development are sold, the furnishings in the model- homes are sold or auctioned off for cheap. Go to the Builders Auction Company website to find auctions near you.

Some absolutely great steals !

Shopping Savvy:

Shop your own closet:

Organize your clothes by category and color so you know exactly what you have. You’ll be surprised when you see you already have 5 pairs of black pants, and you won’t buy another.

Create a color palette:

So many of us shop without thinking about pairing items to what’s already in your closet. Therefore you end up with items that rarely get worn. Determine about 5 colors and/ or neutrals you like, and stick to them when you are shopping.

Fantastic Frugal ideas:

Tell your favorite brands you love them:

Think about the brands and some products you regularly buy, and send the company an email telling them so. Many will be thankful and respond back with some coupons to loyal customers like yourselves.

Free College classes:

Go to and you can get access to to more than 2,500 courses from schools like Harvard and MIT in some cases !

Change to LED lightbulbs, etc:

Prices have dropped a bit and these are so much more efficient ! There are even programs by state that have “No Cost Energy Audits” where you are entitled to receive a whole house full of LEDs, water saving devices, thermostats and other $$ saving products for Zilch, Nada. I know what I’m talking about as I am a local Massachusetts representative for this program. I have used this myself. If you’d like to check this out, drop me a comment.

LEDs and so much more !

Insider Secrets:

Let your online shopping cart sit:

If you sign into your account and put a few items in your cart… Don’t check out right away ! The retailer will usually email you a coupon in a few days to entice you to complete your order.

This, I didn’t realize, could save quite a lot !

Sign up for texts:

You can often get better discounts from a store’s text messages than from it’s emailed newsletters. And you can always unsubscribe when you’re ready. I have seen this in action a few times.

Shop at warehouse clubs even without a subscription:

You can buy prescription drugs at Costco or Sam’s club without being a member. You can buy most anything at Costco with a gift card. Non-members can buy alcohol and get free hearing tests.

Uniquely Clever Approaches:

Rent your little used car:

There are services like Turo, HyreCar or Getaround that let you market your vehicle that may be just sitting there. They say you can make thousands of dollars per year doing this ! NOTE: The sites do charge to use their service though.

You can also rent your non-used parking space:

Especially if you live in an area where parking is scarce, you can advertise it on sites like Pavement, SpotHero or Curb-Flip. Bet you never thought of that one ? NOTE: Maybe a fee for them as well !

There is a lot to work with here so I’ll stop for now ! Hope you find some value and start saving a ton ! I’ll be posting again soon with more goodies !