Things that make you go Hmmm

Are you That Girl ?

I’ve heard people say that they don’t want to be “That Girl”. You know the one… the girl who sells stuff online. ???

Well, I want to share with you a little bit about “That Girl”.

She is adding income to her family, from home, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It’s no different than owning a shop on Etsy, selling on Amazon, or selling unwanted items on Facebook.

She is spending her time working the business, building relationships, checking on customers, trying to build a team, all in addition to her existing commitments. And there are a LOT of them ! She is helping others live a healthier and more financially secure life and helping others feel like they are enough! So many don’t have a Plan B when their job quits them !

“That Girl” knows that people make fun of her. She also knows there are friends and even family who will never support her. Ever!! It happens.

Yet she does it anyway…because so many of her friends and family do support what she does and believes in her and need her products. She is so appreciative as most people in business are for their devoted customers. Most direct marketing companies are selling the absolute BEST products out there.  They are just not sponsored by Oprah or Gronk, and therefore cost double or triple. You do know later they pass the extra cost onto the consumers ? Right ?

“That Girl” can be knocked down, but she’ll get back up. She’s developed thick skin. She knows that part-time or full-time incomes, a whole community of support, success trips, and an abundant life are achievable all from her cell phone or laptop ! And she wants to inspire others to go for their dreams, too. She’s seen it happen for herself.

So when you scroll past “That Girl’s” post, ignoring her, REMEMBER she’s just a girl trying to do better for herself, her family and her friends. She’d Love to lock arms with those that also want a better life and a Plan B, when Plan A falls apart before your eyes. I’ve seen this happen in my own life. I’m thankful I began my backup plan !

Wear your Crown proudly ladies !


From a Facebook entrepreneur