Things that make you go Hmmm

Thinking about Starting a Home Based Business ?

Want to know the truth? 

A side business, isn’t just for people who want to quit their jobs. It’s also career insurance in case your job quits you !!! Yes, that happens more than ever now !!! The world is changing before our eyes as businesses are closing due to Covid’s repercussions. Technology, as well, is causing less ” face to face” and more ” Just buy online ” models. Many are getting pink slips !

Ever heard these phrases:

  1. The less I work, the more I make.
  2. Work smarter, not harder.

Most bosses don’t feel that way.

In fact, the main reason I became an Entrepreneur/ Blogger was because I was sick of completing monotonous tasks “ The way it had always been done ”, as my boss always put it. That is a crippling statement.

I would figure out faster, easier, and more fulfilling ways to accomplish the same task, but I was actually punished for sharing it.

? The sad truth of it is corporations have waste and inefficiencies in their model, because they offset their costs by having a cheap workforce.  

So you know who feels the brunt of this waste in a business?  


Good people that grind day in and day out. All that work and time put in for SOMEONE ELSE’S DREAM !!! I read something from a CEO or boss that said, ” If you work hard, put more time in, I’ll get another brand spanking new car next year ! ” Got me to Thinking !!

And to make it worse, when was the last time you saw a hard working person who was fairly paid for the value they bring to a company?

Paycheck to paycheck is definitely not the path to financial freedom.

JOB = ” Just over Broke “

But I still remember the time I bought into believing if I just keep working hard, that someday they would notice me and my efforts. The reality is they never do.  

The brutal truth is if you weren’t doing the job, they would find someone else.  It’s just business, and no one is irreplaceable in a corporation.  I am living proof of this. I was laid off after 21 years at my Heart monitoring company and was doing an outstanding job, if I do say so myself ! They found people that would work the crazy hours I did for less money ! Talk about feeling betrayed ! That was a major turning point.

They aren’t concerned about your happiness or life. They are concerned with the bottom line and profits. The reality of it is the more they pay you, the less profits they make. Really think about that. The corporate model actually works best when they can find the cheapest labor costs to pad their own pockets. ?

So, if you are tired of waking up every day to help someone else live their dreams, it’s time to think about how you can start working smarter so you can start living yours !!

Can starting a business help you transition into retirement ?

As I’m almost retirement age myself, I’ve come to the conclusion that a side biz / hustle can play a crucial role in how well baby boomers and others can make their way easily into this major life change. They can start a home business they love, using their cell phones or computer, that provides them with some additional income. And who couldn’t use that ? With pensions almost non-existent and social security not adequate, it provides independence, excitement and a chance to make new friends.

Working with others in a business you love is the best !


And WHAT TYPE of BUSINESS is perfect for me ?

This is the question most struggle with at some point. I’ve been an Affiliate with a few companies now, especially now that I’m blogging, and found a home with some that are so FUN, purposeful and lucrative. They are companies that I’m proud to be in their organizations, and absolutely love, love the products or I couldn’t do this myself ! I am passionate about the things I recommend ! I always will.

I’ve personally mentored a few people now that are happy and glad they made the step to take a look. It is ultimately up to you, but if this resonates with your thinking, I can help show you the way.

Curious? ? ? ? LET ME SHOW YOU:

I recently went to a ” Break up with your Bra Party ” and fell in love with the supportive Camis, swimwear, shapers etc and WANTED IN !! It was an “AT home” type of party, but since Covid, became VIRTUAL GIRL’s PARTY ! Sit back with some wine, invite your friends and have a blast !

He He ! Incredible what the Camis and shape wear do for you !

Another unique one-of-a-kind product is called Somaderm. For anyone looking to feel and look better, this one takes the cake ! My link includes information about what it is so you can make an informed decision if it might be something for you. If not, no worries… Take a peak and see for yourself. Drop me a line in comments below or contact me for more information >>

The Video below intrigued me !

Something to peak your interest

So many opportunities, just sharing a couple that I recommend and both Home based. All you need is a smart phone, tablet or computer. Easy peasy !