6 Ways to Protect ourselves in Covid times ?
Who would have ever thought we’d be in this predicament ? I sure didn’t, and thought there was no way for this to last ! I learned a thing or two in this crazy time ! The best way to prevent illness, of course, is to avoid exposure as we all know. I live in Massachusetts which hasn’t done well in the U.S. avoiding Covid. Our neighbor to the west, New York City wasn’t any better ! We are cold, and therefore inside, and spreading it quicker than our outdoor, warmer states.
It wasn’t to long before I saw fear and panic set in within the shoppers where I worked at Home Depots. All the toilet paper, bleach, and masks were non-existant !!! The media had been broadcasting death tolls every day and it scared the public into mass hysteria ! It was very sad to see. My job was educating customers on the massive benefits of going Solar along with Mass Save energy savings programs. Both slash your costs and well worth it by the way. And Quotes are totally free to see your savings ! Let me know if I can help you save !! Leave me a message below.
I soon realized we have to be mindful of being too close to those that might be sick. Taking precautions like wearing a mask in public places, handwashing when you can, hand sanitizer when you can’t, and being diligent with staying away from touching your face were all best practices. As the Home Depots and other stores ran out of all those items above due to panic buying, I had to find a storage house that still provided these protective sanitizers. I did and also found something that works much better than the Alcohol based ones ! Alcohol dries your skin and only work for the 2 minutes when they are just applied ! There’s got to be something better I thought. I found it !! 4 hour No alcohol Hand Sanitizer !
6 things the CDC claims everyone should practice:
- Wash your hands often- Simply use soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially when you are in a public place such as a grocery store. Blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing should be another time to wash as well. Most aren’t near a sink if you leave your home, therefore definitely use hand sanitizer in a pinch. And don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth until sanitized.
- Avoid close contact-Stay clear of people who are sick, even in your home. If at all possible stay 6 feet apart ( 2 arms length ) This is especially if you are in a high risk category.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when around others or in public. The CDC states you could spread the disease even if you do not feel sick. Cloth face masks should not be placed on children under 2, anyone that has trouble breathing, or unconscious or unable to remove the mask on their own. The masks are meant to protect other people in case you are infected. Don’t wear a mask meant for a healthcare worker. Even though you wear a mask, you should still keep a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others.
- Cover coughs and sneezes-When this happens and you are around others and do not have a mask on, remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or inside of your elbow. Throw tissues in the trash. Immediately wash hand with soap and water for 20 seconds. Again, in a pinch, use hand sanitizer. Best one I found-
- Clean and disinfect-Clean frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes doorknobs, tables, light switches, countertops, desks, phones, toilets, faucets and well, you know ! If surfaces are dirty, clean them with detergent or soap and water prior to disinfecting. Then use a household disinfectant.
- Monitor your health- Be aware of symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of Covid 19. Be aware as you run errands, go to your office, or areas where it’s difficult to stay 6 feet apart. Take your temperature if symptoms develop, but not right after exercise or taking medications that could lower your temp. Follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.
I pray for everyone’s health and at the same time, hope the businesses around us can weather the storm ! Sad to see some are never going to open their doors again ! We are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel as we slowly open up restaurants, gyms, etc. I’m so excited to finally get out !!!! Be diligent and pay attention to whats going on around you. Take care everyone and God bless.