Things that make you go Hmmm

Your Perception changes Everything

I didn’t think I would ever want to discuss this topic in here, but the world is changing dramatically right before our eyes. And Not for the good ! I have to speak up ! Forces are determined to tear us apart ! Why do I think that ? I’ve listened to many viewpoints from the different media stations that seem to encourage the divide between Democrats and Republicans, Black and White, and everyone around each corner of this world ! This is happening all at the same time !!! I cannot remember anything like this before !

Some brainwashing is definitely going on as the public is glued to the news daily. We’re listening to the death counts every minute from Covid, and how we have to continue month after month staying home to stop the spread. Meanwhile our economy is collapsing as businesses can’t begin to recoup their lost income to stay afloat. Our Moms, Dads, and Grandparents are isolated in nursing homes, scared without their loved ones to brighten their day. Some are declining because of this isolation, and others have succumbed to Covid regardless !

We think with our emotions, and not with facts at times, especially with what we’re served up today ! We have to look for the truth behind all the words. Do your research for sure before you blindly except what you’re being told is how it is. If you notice, their viewpoints have been flip-flopping. A BS narrative is being promoted. Whatever will help the agenda of the news station, or person telling you this information, is what you will see ! I look at it all … MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc and come up with my own idea of what’s right. There are advertising dollars and control when others are manipulated sadly. I think to the Pharmaceutical industry instantly ! Don’t get me going on that ! That’s a whole other topic for discussion.

To add to the injury, a black man was killed beneath a policeman’s knee ! We watched this injustice on national TV. This of course incited many to stand up and protest this dispicable act, announce it to the world in hopes of creating change. We were all outraged !

Having said that, I don’t, and won’t, ever condemn every policeman out there for the sins of one ! I thank God, we have good cops keeping us safe, guarding law and order in this crazed world. Nor do I think everyone is racist ! We grew up in different households and in different times. My son mentioned to me that when I was in school, my classmates were named Mary, Joe, Sue, and others. Nick grew up in a different time and his classmates were Fernando, Jose, Natisha, and Sam. Times change and so does America. Friends come in all different sizes and colors.

Let’s learn from each other and stop listening to the media expelling its negativity 24/7. Your world will become what you make of it with the mindset you have in place. More than ever, I am turning the television off and listening to those that transport you to a better place. Take care of yourself and guard against those that only want to destroy !

It’s all up to you ! Remember that !