Why do my feet hurt and what is Plantar Fasciitis ?
This is a topic that I’ve had a LOT of experience with. For those that have had foot pain, relief can’t come quick enough ! There are so many debilitating types from Gout, Diabetic Neuropathy, Neuroma, etc. I’ve had Plantar Fasciitis myself for years. It is excruciating at times. The pain comes usually the minute you step out of bed in the morning. It feels like a hot knife stabbing me in my heel over and over, as well as a burning sensation ! One morning I just woke up to it. I thought to myself, there was nothing in particular I did the day before. Besides getting out of…
Great Deals on the Best Brands I Know !
It’s finally time ! I had mentioned I will be the “Guinea Pig” trying some of the Best skincare, makeup, and hair products out there ! My mission has been to correct the sagging skin, jowls, wrinkles, and that overall appearance of aging skin for a while now. Oh, and that neck thing ! I Can’t Stand the turkey neck ! I mean who doesn’t want to look better and younger looking ? I’ve been on a quest for quite ever since I discovered all the changes that were occurring. The products I’m trying most often have a 30/60/90 day guarantee, so if you don’t like what you see, you…
5 Products that can Change your bad hair days !
Why is it that women always hate the hair they were born with ? I know I do ! When you have Pin straight hair that does absolutely NOTHING and you have to force a curl, you need to find something that allows it to Stop falling flat on your scalp ! Funny, I would take Frizz over flat any day ! Crazy but true ! Be careful what you wish for, huh ? Since I started this Blog, my intent was to find the “Best of the Best” deals and quality and do reviews as to why ! Don’t we all want that ? I did search the world…
The Best Skincare for Aging Skin !
As mature women, we are bombarded by all the skin care choices out there ! You’re not alone in wondering which one to turn to without having to try them all. Agh ! Every year there are hundreds of new products on the market calling your name, and without a degree in Esthetics, it is tough to have to pick and choose. After all, you want what’s best for your skin and you don’t want to spend too much money trying to find the right fit for you. I do feel your pain ! My goal is to take some of that burden from you and become the ” guinea pig ”…