• Trips to die for !

    Life is meant for good friends and great adventure ! There’s an expression that a mentor once told me, and it definitely sticks with me to this day. I do NOT want to tip-toe through life hoping to make it safely to death. I’m confident we were put here on this planet to make it better than when we first came. We’re here to take part in and enjoy the experience, and make at least one person happy along the way. No doubt middle age is as good a time as any to take stock of what you’ve done and accomplished in your life. We must figure out what more…

  • Cruising, a Day in the Life

    Has this been a part of your bucket list ? I know it was huge part of mine. I’ve been on 5 cruises now and am planning on taking a Mediterranean cruise in the near future. Of course, before I took my maiden voyage, I was a little hesitant. What if questions popped up. I stopped myself in my tracks and declared “You only live once and the negatives weren’t going to stop me. ” Life is so precious and goes by quickly. I was turning 50 aboard this ship, damn it. Let the fun begin ! Once I started, I did not want to stop. It seems now is…

  • 5 Products that can Change your bad hair days !

    Why is it that women always hate the hair they were born with ? I know I do ! When you have Pin straight hair that does absolutely NOTHING and you have to force a curl, you need to find something that allows it to Stop falling flat on your scalp ! Funny, I would take Frizz over flat any day ! Crazy but true ! Be careful what you wish for, huh ? Since I started this Blog, my intent was to find the “Best of the Best” deals and quality and do reviews as to why ! Don’t we all want that ? I did search the world…

  • Things that make you go hmm ?!

    Since my “Midlife Madness” has kicked into full gear, I am done with biting my tongue and living for others without caring for my own wants and desires. Do you get me ?? Those who do, will want to take a gander at a post I discovered on Huffpost ( Contributed by Dr. Michelle Martin ) ” 5 Ways that Middle-aged Women can feel more Visible ” It spoke of a 2014 study of women and middle age. Wondering your thoughts and feelings on this ? Please comment below and we can chat. I see it clearly that we are now not turning heads and subject to cat calls like…

  • Did our Summer clothes shrink ?

    When spring is in the air, we feel renewed ! After the long winter, we begin pulling out our past summer wardrobe. It beckons us to take a long look at the lighter, and tighter dresses and garments that are gathering dust in our closets. As we pile everything we own on our bed and examine, we ponder, “Yikes ! Are these my clothes ? ” Someone must have swapped these out. The harsh winter of staying in, not exercising as often as we’d like, has done some damage to our once svelte body or so we think. What to wear and what not to wear ? Big print leggings…

  • Best Barbecued Chicken for summer !

    When the weather’s perfect for getting outside in the sun, race don’t run to enjoy the best barbecue recipes we can find. We live in New England, time is short for summer ! I love there is less clean up with pots and pans also. Scrumptious Barbecue chicken is a favorite of mine so we’ll start with that. The Rules: You must cook BBQ chicken with the grill lid CLOSED to create an oven effect. Preheat the grill to 400 degrees F. Unless you like your chicken charred and burned, you don’t want to add the sauce right away. Drizzle the chicken with olive or canola oil and season with…

  • The Best Skincare for Aging Skin !

    As mature women, we are bombarded by all the skin care choices out there ! You’re not alone in wondering which one to turn to without having to try them all. Agh ! Every year there are hundreds of new products on the market calling your name, and without a degree in Esthetics, it is tough to have to pick and choose. After all, you want what’s best for your skin and you don’t want to spend too much money trying to find the right fit for you. I do feel your pain ! My goal is to take some of that burden from you and become the ” guinea pig ”…

  • Freedom after 50 Club

    We are learning that NOW is our precious time ! Taking care of children has past and thoughts go to ” What do we do now since it used to be about EVERYONE else ? ” We look inward to what we placed on the shelf a long time ago. What did you put off, but now long to do ? We should do those things ! Dust them off and let’s begin. This blog is meant to inspire and create long lasting friendships as we tackle this quest together. There is so much excitement to come ! Please leave a comment or two below if you’d like, as it…